When it comes to the term "success," you probably think about making lots of money, social status, materials, etc. This is not always true. The above things actually depend on the tasks you assign to yourself. If your goal is to create millions of dollars, then yes, those things may define success for you. Actually the definition of success varies from person to person. Some may define success as being free from all materialistic things, while others may see it as gaining all materials around, etc. So, whether you choose to buy a dream car, propose to your crush, or give your parents a beautiful life, these can all be called a form of success for an individual.
I don't know what you consider success for yourself, but if you're trying to achieve it, you will definitely need to know these four things. It's also possible that you already knew them. So
- How your subconscious, conscious, and unconscious mind works.
- How your brain process a new task.
- How your brain does a task.
- Things to get rid of.
If you are here you probably have some knowledge of above things, in that case awesome else stay tune.
Also the above things are collected from real life experiences, serval self-help books, articles, and hrs of podcasts and videos. So let's move to first point.
How your Subconscious, conscious, and Unconscious mind works.
Remember this points.
- Subconscious only understand emotions and emotions is controlled by Unconscious mind
- Repetition of same task for 60+ days is our new habit.
- After formation of habit now its automated by Unconscious, e.g. driving
It is said that 95% of the brain operates on a subconscious level, with 3% being unconscious and only 2% conscious. If this is the case, you should definitely have control over your subconscious. But how we only have control over conscious mind so what next. See it's not difficult it take huge effort and time so let's dive down.
Subconscious mind have limitations like it don't understand good and bad, it don't understand our conscious mind command. It only understand emotions. Unconscious mind too have limitation like it also don't understand our conscious mind command. So looks like we are stuck in a situation where we have control over nothing happening inside us wright, May be wrong here how we can control Subconscious.
Have you ever experienced this? A friend hits you from behind during your school days, and without thinking, you immediately hit him back. Did you consciously think, "He hit me, so now I have to hit him back," or did you realize it only after you'd already hit him? So from this i can say emotion is control by Unconscious mind.
Now let's revise all at once, Subconscious understand emotion language and emotion is controlled by Unconscious and Repetition of same task for 60+ days given by conscious mind is new habit then why not we repetate task which generate positive emotions regarding goals. Think.
How your brain process a new task.
Remember this points
- You are using the same way to hold pen that you have learned during childhood days.
- Practice makes man perfect
Have you played table tennis? Can you remember how you hitted first shot [i'm talking about body moment] was it same in compare to second one? If not you are the guy who is well known for this, Else why so?
It's quite simple your brain uses all resources like decision making, problem solving, etc, to solve/do the task you gave to your brain at very first time and due to nature of brain it store the process that the brain followed during doing the task in memory to use it again in future, So your way to hold pen is same as childhood, Your table tennis shot is same as the previous one.
Not satisfied with my answer? Let's come to second point "Practice makes ... perfect", See your brain does task in same way you did last time until you are not consciously trying to make changes. Think.
Success isn’t just about setting goals, it’s also about understanding how your brain processes and automates tasks. By practicing consistently, building positive habits, and managing your emotions, you can boost your chances of achieving your goals. Knowing how your brain works can help you align your efforts and habits more effectively with your path to success.
How your brain does a task.
Remember this points.
- A topper of a class top the class nearly always.
- Rich build more and more wealth and poor vice-versa.
There are five steps to perform a task Thought, Belief, Attitude, Action, Result, Thought, ......
Let's imagine a student who have never studied, and only 1 months left for his final examination. What he does now?
He think about preparation for exam and as he have never read before their are 40+ topics to cover, Now whats his mind says 40+ chapter in 30 days, Can I? "Thoughts negative so can't accept Belief and attitude will be positive", Anyway he forced him to study for an hour he did and found he have no confidence, no belive to do the task. He finally quit after 15 min of v.v hard study and as very intelligent creature he summarize his day at the end and came to conclusion that "he haven't studied anythings" and start saying v good things about him.
Now his action is again going to influencing his thoughts, and Belief and attitude and while True:
Again Let's imagine a student who is good in study, and only 1 months left for his final examination. What he does now?
He think about preparation for exam and as he have is good there are only few things to cover, Now what's his mind says Revision and 10+ topics in 30 days, I will? "Thoughts positive so can accept Belief and attitude will be positive", Anyway he study for an 3+ hour. And as very intelligent creature he summarize his day at the end and came to conclusion that "he have studied multiple topics" and start saying v good things about him like "still 29 days left, Easy".
Now his action is again going to influencing his thoughts, and Belief and attitude and while True:
You can link this with above law "how brain process new task". Think
Things to get rid of.
Let's come to point directly, Negative people can weigh you down and the facts is there are 1/3 people who belong to this category. They have goals which rarely belong to them, either copied from internet or ...., This kind of people don't want infont person to grow, so Run.
Not only people your environment too effect your growth, like if you have bad memories with a place, then you will definitely remember that events and destroy your growth
Not only place even music can do same thing, you may have experience of feeling bad while listening to specific song, why so? Its because the song is creating environment to remember that bad past. So stop that. Not only that your song can affect you in various way like, a lyrics of a song which uses negative words[like "i'm nothing without you"] stop this things, this will destroy you.
Negative thought, self-talk, thought which promote negativity. Stop this, if you can't start practicing mindfulness and meditation which help to improve your overall well-being.
Being a bad teacher, Summarizing day in the end and passing negative self-talk. Avoid this, the only thing that is always with you is you.
This were the things that i belief you should know to fixed before thinking of being succeed. Anyway in the above content i describe you all to make things simple, some points you should be clear. Subconscious understand not only emotions it also involves other vital automatic tasks, Emotions is influenced by both subconscious and unconscious mind, mindfulness can directly influence subconscious mind but takes time, Brain store previous process information either in procedural or muscle memory.